Thursday, April 14, 2005

May you rest in peace, uncle Craig

My mom called me last night with some very sad news. My uncle Craig, who is married to my mom's sister Bonnie, took his own life yesterday. I was shocked to hear the news and deeply saddened for his wife and two children, who are now left to rebuild their lives in the wake of his. He was a gentle and a kind man who was plagued by mental problems that robbed him of so much of his living and finally of his life. I take comfort in knowing that he is now free from this disease and is in a better place, where he can finally be on his own, away from a clouded and troubled mind and a heart so deeply sad that it defied description. I also take comfort in knowing that he loved his wife and children and that the love they shared will always be a part of the lives he left behind. Soon they will focus on the time they had with him and will remember the laughter that followed the tears.

My aunt's family lives in Calgary, so I won't be able to see them or attend my uncle's funeral. But I did speak to my cousin Kim today. She is about ten years younger than me and I can vividly remember her as a small child during their always too short summer visits to Ontario. She was a bright child from the beginning and has grown into a self-assured and intelligent young woman, now finishing her first year of university. She sounded tired but strong on the phone, and expressed gratitude for the family and friends who were gathering around them to help ease the burden of grief. She also, with a wisdom which I can't help but think is beyond her years and will stay with her throughout her life, realized the importance of the time she spent last night at home, just with her brother Griffin and her mom, remembering their father and husband together as only they can.

My prayers are with my aunt and my cousins as they try to carry on with their lives. Their faith, which has always been strong even in the face of problems that would make most people doubt their own existence, will truly comfort them during this time; and it will allow them to find a way through the pain to acceptance.

May you rest in peace, finally, uncle Craig. We love you.


At April 25, 2005 at 11:26 a.m., Blogger moxywoman said...

Rachel - I am so sorry about your uncle. I hope you're doing okay, too.


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