Some other things that are good for the soul
1. The sound of wind and rain (oh, the dreadful wind and the rain) in the trees outside my living room window.
2. Concerts in my living room.
3. "Tracks of My Tears" by Smokey Robinson, as performed by Jory Nash.
4. Gliding over a totally still lake (in a canoe, not using the power of your mind, although that would be really cool) early in the morning in Algonquin Park.
5. Roasted Butternut Squash soup at Hugh's Room.
6. The smell of autumn: decaying leaves and cooling earth and NO SMOG!
7. Polar fleece: blankets, mittens, sweaters, scarves, pants, hats, socks. I love it all. Give me polar fleece, or give me death!
8. Ryan Adams' "How Do You Keep Love Alive" from Cold Roses.
9. The laughter of children (especially when they're 3 and it's your joke they're laughing at - did I have a sense of humour at age 3??).
10. Watching the steel freighters on Lake Ontario (with extra points for doing this on the anniversary of the sinking of the Edmund Fitzgerald).
11. Welcoming a new child into the family.
Anyone have any "things that are good for the soul" to add?
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