Springtime and looking for a job
Well, it's spring in Southern Ontario and the evidence is all around. There's a huge magnolia tree in my backyard - I've been watching it slowly come to life during the amazing sunny days we've been having for the past month. This picture is from last April, which was apparently also sunny! I don't remember it being this warm; but then I also didn't have a baby and the overwhelming desire to get out walking to try to keep off the weight I lost after he was born!
I'm also unemployed at the moment - I was laid off in December when my mat leave started. Because of the severance payment, I have not received my first EI payment yet. I've started to look for a new job - I wish I didn't have to go back to work so soon; but I don't have a choice! I've posted my resume and have been applying for jobs; but I haven't heard anything back yet. Part of the reason is probably that my resume wasn't what it should have been...with a few more upgrades that I'll do tomorrow while my son is napping, it should be ready to wow potential employers. I am looking for something in administration management, so I'm not expecting that to just fall in my lap. I know it will take some time; but the financial pressure is building and I'm spending a lot of time trying not to feel desperate so that I can enjoy my son during the (hopefully) little time we have left together before I go back to work.
I'm looking forward to being back in the working world...I spent the past almost 6 years managing a warehouse; and I'm ready for something with more responsibility, accountability and a higher profile in the organization. I worked in the considerable shadow of a difficult manager for 8 years, so along with the stress of finding a new job comes the relief that I will now have opportunities to shine in my professional life that I haven't enjoyed for years. I'm looking forward to the work experience, even though I know it will be a challenge to organize our life so that we still have time to spend as a family (and sometimes by ourselves). I know I can do it; but the prospect of something new and challenging can be daunting.
I know a lot of women who are stay at home moms and I wish that I could be one of them. Who knows: maybe I can bring home enough money to allow my husband to stay home with our son. That would be lovely and it's definitely something we're considering if the opportunity arises. Maybe it won't with our first child; but who knows what the future holds for us.
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